货品编号: abcam.ab205 品 牌:abcam 品 名:Anti-F-actin antibody [NH3] 规 格: 250ug 产品描述: Product name Anti-F-actin antibody [NH3] See all F-actin primary antibodies
Description Mouse monoclonal [NH3] to F-actin
Host species Mouse
Specificity Clone NH3 recognises human Filamentous actin (F-actin) and reportedly also recognizes Globular actin (G-actin). The antibody
binds to the N-terminal region of actin, but not to the extreme N-terminal 40 amino acids. In tissue sections the antibody stains the
cytoplasm of macrophages strongly, and gives granular, localised nuclear staining of all cell types. As this is a mouse IgM antibody,
an anti-mouse IgM secondary antibody must be used to detect this primary.
Species reactivity Reacts with: Rat, Rabbit, Human
Immunogen Human monocytes and U397 cell line.
Epitope This antibody is reported to recognise actin in the filamentous form with the epitope likely to be located between residues 120 and 226
of the molecule.
Positive control gastrointestinal tissue
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