Anti-Fibulin 1 100ulBioss


品牌: bioss

品名: Anti-Fibulin 1

规格: 100ul

产品介绍Fibulin-1 is an extracellular matrix protein often associated with fibronectin (FN) in vivo. Fibulin-1 was found to have pronounced inhibitory effects on the cell attachment and spreading promoted by FN. Fibulin-1 was also found to inhibit the motility of a variety of cell types on FN substrata. For example, the FN-dependent haptotactic motility of breast carcinoma (MDA MB231) cells, epidermal carcinoma (A431), melanoma (A375 SM), rat pulmonary aortic smooth muscle cells (PAC1) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was inhibited by the presence of fibulin-1 bound to FN-coated Boyden chamber membranes. Cells transfected to overproduce fibulin-1 displayed reduced velocity, distance of movement and persistence time on FN substrata. Similarly, the incorporation of fibulin-1 into FN-containing type I collagen gels inhibited the invasion of endocardial cushion mesenchymal cells migrating from cultured embryonic heart explants. By contrast, incorporation of fibulin-1 into collagen gels lacking FN had no effect on the migration of endocardial cushion cells.Function:Incorporated into fibronectin-containing matrix fibers. May play a role in cell adhesion and migration along protein fibers within the extracellular matrix (ECM). Could be important for certain developmental processes and contribute to the supramolecular organization of ECM architecture, in particular to those of basement membranes. Has been implicated in a role in cellular transformation and tumor invasion, it appears to be a tumor suppressor. May play a role in haemostasis and thrombosis owing to its ability to bind fibrinogen and incorporate into clots. Could play a significant role in modulating the neurotrophic activities of APP, particularly soluble APP.Subunit:Homomultimerizes and interacts with various extracellular matrix components such as FN1, LAMA1, LAMA2, NID, ACAN, CSPG2 and type IV collagen. Interacts also with APP, NOV, FGB and HPV type 16, HPV type 18, HPV type 31 and BPV type 1 E6 proteins. Interacts with FBLN7.Subcellular Location:Secreted, extracellular space, extracellular matrix.Tissue Specificity:Isoform A and isoform B are only expressed in placenta. Isoform C and isoform D are expressed in a variety of tissues and cultured cells.DISEASE:Note=A chromosomal aberration involving FBLN1 is found in a complex type of synpolydactyly referred to as 3/3-prime/4 synpolydactyly associated with metacarpal and metatarsal synostoses. Reciprocal translocation t(12;22)(p11.2;q13.3) with C12orf2. Fibroblasts derived from a patient with synpolydactyly displayed alterations in the level of isoform D splice variant incorporated into the ECM and secreted into the conditioned culture medium. By contrast, the expression of isoform C was not perturbed in the patients fibroblasts. Furthermore, no aberrant polypeptides were detected in extracts of cultured patients fibroblasts. The translocation t(12;22) may result in haploinsufficiency of the isoform D splice variant, which could lead to the observed limb malformation.Note=Elevated expression and altered processing of FBLN1 protein is associated with human breast cancer.Similarity:Belongs to the fibulin family.Contains 3 anaphylatoxin-like domains.Contains 9 EGF-like domains.

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