生工.C100216 生物素氨基 50 MG生工


品牌: 生工

品名: 生物素氨基

规格: 50 MG


Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin (sulfosuccinimidyl-2-[biotinamido]ethyl-1,3-dithiopropionate) is a thiol-cleavable amine-reactive biotinylation reagent that contains an extended spacer arm to reduce steric hindrances associated with avidin binding.


This reagent is water-soluble (to approximately 10 mM) enabling biotinylation in the absence of organic solvents such as DMSO or DMF. Water-solubility is advantageous for applications that cannot tolerate solvents or when inclusion of solvents complicates the protocol. The N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (NHS) ester group on this reagent reacts with the ε-amine of lysine residues to produce a stable product. Although α-amine groups present on the N-termini of peptides react with NHS esters, α-amines on proteins are seldom accessible for conjugation. NHS esters react with primary amines in the deprotonated form and, therefore, the reaction requires neutral to basic pH values to proceed. Primary amines react with NHS esters by nucleophilic attack and Nhydroxysulfosuccinimideis released as a byproduct. Hydrolysis of the NHS-ester competes with the reaction in aqueous solution.The rate of hydrolysis increases with increasing pH and occurs more readily in dilute protein solutions.


50 mg/bottle

Molecular Weight606.69
Spacer arm24.3
Purity>95% on TLC

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