代理PYROGENT™–5000 动态浊度法鲎试剂(LAL)内毒素检测试剂盒,100Tests 现货

产品英文名称:PYROGENT™–5000 Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL Assays


PYROGENT™–5000 Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL Assays产品介绍:

PYROGENT -5000产品适合用于实验室处理大量样品,可以定量的动态检测革兰氏阴性细菌内毒素。检测在96孔板上进行,允许许多样品同时检测。The PYROGENT™–5000 assay是水样,大量注射用药物和医疗设备冲洗水内毒素检测的理想选择。检测使用温育板读数器340nm读数,检测灵敏度在0.01 to 100.0 EU/ml。



¡ 本品为体外诊断试剂,严禁用于人体内毒素检测

¡ 本品用于药品的G-细菌内毒素检测时,应遵循USP药典细菌内毒素检测法的规定

¡ 如果说明书下载不了或者有其它产品信息问题可以电话咨询

PYROGENT™–5000 Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL Assays英文介绍:

The PYROGENT™–5000 assay is perfect for laboratories needing to process large numbers of samples. This assay is performed in a 96-well plate allowing many samples to be processed at one time. It is ideal for water samples, large volume parenterals and water rinse from medical devices. The PYROGENT™–5000 assay is measured at the 340 nm wavelength and has a sensitivity range from 0.01 to 100.0 EU/ml. An incubating plate reader is required to run this assay.

PYROGENT -5000 is a quantitative, kinetic assay for the detection of Gram negative bacterial endotoxin. A sample is mixed with the reconstituted LAL reagent, placed in the photometer, and automatically monitored over time for the appearance of turbidity. The time required before the appearance of turbidity (Reaction Time) is inversely proportional to the amount of endotoxin present. That is, in the presence of a large amount of endotoxin the reaction occurs rapidly; in the presence of a smaller amount of endotoxin the reaction time is increased. The concentration of endotoxin in unknown samples can be calculated from a standard curve.


N383(Cat.No.) 2瓶/盒(鲎试剂) 100Tests 5.2ml/瓶(需混合的LAL重配缓冲剂体积)

N384(Cat.No.) 2瓶/盒(鲎试剂) 200Tests 10.4ml/瓶(LAL重配缓冲剂体积)

N588(Cat.No.) 45瓶/盒(鲎试剂) 2250Tests 5.2ml/瓶(LAL重配缓冲剂体积)

N688(Cat.No.) 45瓶/盒(鲎试剂) 4500Tests 10.4ml/瓶(LAL重配缓冲剂体积)

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