代理Miltenyi 美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基 现货

产品英文名称:StemMACS™ MSC Expansion Media, human


Miltenyi 美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基研究背景:

作为干细胞在人骨髓(BM)样品和其他组织出现在相对低的频率,其在体外繁殖往往是必要的,以便获得足够的细胞数量进行进一步的实验中,如在体内移植的动物研究或体外分化的研究包括基因表达或蛋白质分析。 StemMACS扩增培养基有效地和可重复地在体外扩展MSC培养物,同时保持了细胞的分化潜能。

美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基在一个随时可以使用的格式提供,使用最高品质的原料严格控制的条件下生产。 StemMACS扩展中提供一致的批与批之间的性能和最佳条件为干细胞的培养。

美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基应用:


Miltenyi 美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基详细介绍:


500 mL StemMACS MSC Expansion Media,human:

with L-glutamine

with fetal bovine serum (FBS)

with phenol red

without antibiotics


Osmolatity: 320–360 mOsmol/kg


Tested for sterility.


Store protected from light at –20 °C. The expiration date is indicated on the label. If StemMACS MSC Expansion Media is thawed upon arrival, immediately mix them thoroughly,aliquot to the preferred sample volume, and store at –20 °C until use.

美天旎 StemMACS™ MSC 人间充质干细胞扩增培养基英文描述:

The StemMACS MSC Expansion Media is an optimized and standardized medium for the reproducible and reliable expansion of MSCs from human BM samples or other tissue sources.The StemMACS MSC Expansion Media is an optimized andstandardized medium for the reproducible and reliable expansionof mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human bone marrow (BM)samples or other tissue sources. As MSCs appear at relatively lowfrequency in human BM samples and other tissues, their in vitropropagation is often necessary in order to obtain sufficient cellnumbers for further experiments, such as in vivo transplantationstudies in animals or in vitro differentiation studies including geneexpression or protein profiling. StemMACS MSC Expansion Mediaefficiently expands cultures of MSCs in vitro while maintaining thecells’ differentiation potential.The medium is supplied in a ready-to-use format and is manufacturedunder strictly controlled conditions using ingredients of the highestquality. StemMACS Expansion Media offers consistent lot-to-lot performance and optimal conditions for the cultivation of MSCs.

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