代理Miltenyi 人CD34 MicroBead Kit 微珠试剂盒 现货

产品英文名称:Miltenyi CD4 MicroBeads, human


Miltenyi 美天旎人CD4 MicroBeads微珠产品英文描述:

CD4 MicroBeads were developed for the positive selection or depletion of CD4+ cells by direct magnetic labeling. The most commonly used cell sources are peripheral blood, leukapheresis1, and cord blood. In addition, T helper cells have also been isolated from lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, skin biopsies2, synovial fluids, and cell cultures.

CD4 is an accessory molecule in the recognition of MHC class II/peptide complexes by the TCR heterodimers on CD4+ T helper cells. CD4 is expressed on T helper cells and at a lower level on monocytes and dendritic cells. The CD4 molecule is the receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus. The CD4 antibody recognizes most thymocytes and about 65% of all peripheral blood T cells.

Miltenyi 美天旎人CD4 MicroBeads微珠产品应用:

●外周血,白细胞去除术,脐带血,淋巴结,胸腺,脾,皮肤活检²,滑膜f luids,支气管灌洗液,或细胞培养中CD4 + T细胞的耗竭。

●CD4+ T功能研究细胞,如增殖或细胞毒性试验。

●体外培养的CD4 + T细胞因子生成的评价。

●共培养的CD4 + T细胞与树突细胞或B细胞对抗原呈递细胞的活化的评价实验。



Miltenyi 美天旎人CD4 MicroBeads微珠产品简介:


2mL CD4 MicroBeads, human:

MicroBeads conjugated to monoclonal anti-human CD4 antibodies (isotype: mouse IgG1).


For 10*9 total cells, up to 100 separations.

Product format

CD4 MicroBeads are supplied in buffer

containing stabilizer and 0.05% sodium azide.


Store protected from light at 2−8°C. Do not freeze. The expiration date is indicated on the vial label.

美天旎人CD4 MicroBeads微珠研究背景:

CD4微珠已经被开发用于人体的分离细胞基础上的CD4抗原的表达。 CD4是55kDa的,被高度表达于T辅助细胞在胸腺和蛋白质外周血。在辅助性T细胞,CD4功能作为附件分子的识别MHCⅡ类/肽复合物通过TCR异二聚体。 CD4还表达了对单核细胞和树突状细胞,尽管在较低的水平比对CD4+辅助性T细胞。在某些趋化因子受体结合,CD4是主高亲和力受体艾滋病毒。

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