

货号 中文品名 英文品名 CAS No 纯度 规格
2024566 脂肪酸甲酯的标准混合物(包括癸酸甲酯,十二酸酯,十四酸酯,十六酸酯和十八酸酯) Standard Mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (consists of Methyl Decanoate, Laurate, Myristate, Palmitate and Stearate) [Standard Material for GC]     5mL
2024567 脂肪酸甲酯的标准混合物(包括己酸甲酯,庚酸酯,辛酸酯,壬酸酯和癸酸酯) Standard Mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (consists of Methyl Hexanoate, Heptanoate, Octanoate, Nonanoate, and Decanoate) [Standard Material for GC]     5mL
2024568 脂肪酸甲酯的标准混合物(包括甲酸甲酯,乙酸酯,丙酸酯,丁酸酯和戊酸酯) Standard Mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (consists of Methyl Formate, Acetate, Propionate, Butyrate and Valerate) [Standard Material for GC]     5mL
2024569 甲酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Formate [Standard Material for GC] 107-31-3  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024570 乙酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Acetate [Standard Material for GC] 79-20-9 >995%(GC) 5mL
2024571 丙酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Propionate [Standard Material for GC] 554-12-1  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024572 丁酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Butyrate [Standard Material for GC] 623-42-7  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024573 戊酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Valerate [Standard Material for GC] 624-24-8  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024574 己酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Hexanoate [Standard Material for GC] 106-70-7  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024575 庚酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Heptanoate [Standard Material for GC] 106-73-0  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024576 正辛酸甲酯标准品 Methyln-Octanoate [Standard Material for GC] 111-11-5  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024577 壬酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Nonanoate [Standard Material for GC] 1731-84-6  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024578 癸酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Decanoate [Standard Material for GC] 110-42-9  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024579 月桂酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Laurate [Standard Material for GC] 111-82-0  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024580 肉豆蔻酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Myristate [Standard Material for GC] 124-10-7  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024581 棕榈酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Palmitate [Standard Material for GC] 112-39-0  >995%(GC) 5g
2024582 硬脂酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Stearate [Standard Material for GC] 112-61-8  >995%(GC) 5mL
2024583 亚麻酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Linolenate [Standard Material for GC] 301-00-8  >980%(GC) 1g
2024584 亚油酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Linoleate [Standard Material for GC] 112-63-0    1g
2024585 油酸甲酯标准品 Methyl Oleate [Standard Material for GC] 112-62-9  >990%(GC) 5mL
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