英文品名:α-Amylase Assay Kit (Ceralpha Method)
规格型号:100 assays per kit
AOAC Method 2002.01, AACC Method 22.02.01, ICC Standard No. 303, RACI Standard Method, CCFRA Flour Testing Working Group Method 0018. For the specific measurement of alpha-amylase in cereal grains and fermentation broths (fungal and bacterial).
Microbial α-amylases find widespread application in the modification
of starch in cereal products and in cereal processing. The level of
endogeneous α-amylase in cereal grains and products significantly
affects the industrial exploitation of these commodities. In breadmaking,
the level of α-amylase must be sufficient to produce
saccharides which can be absorbed and utilised by yeast, but not
so high as to cause excessive starch dextrinisation, which can lead
to sticky crumb and problems in processing. In the brewing industry,
the level of malt α-amylase is a key quality parameter. α-Amylase
also finds application as a silage additive, to assist in the degradation
of starch and thus to provide fermentable sugars for bacterial growth.
Bacterial, fungal and cereal α-amylases can all be measured with
Amylase HR reagent, however, assay conditions (specifically pH) need
to be modified to suit each particular enzyme. Amylase HR Reagent
is specific for α-amylase. The substrate is absolutely resistant to
hydrolysis by exo-enzymes such as β-amylase, amyloglucosidase and
Kits suitable for performing 100/200 assays are available from
Megazyme, and consist of:-
1. Full assay method
2. Freeze dried BPNPG7 plus thermostable α-glucosidase
3. Concentrated Extraction Buffer
4. Concentrated Stopping Reagent
5. Control Malt Flour