总代理D-果糖 D-葡萄糖检测试剂盒-金山科研平台现货



英文品名:D-Fructose and D-Glucose MegaQuant Format Assay Kit

规格型号:60 assays per kit

For the measurement of D-Fructose and D-Glu cose in grapes, grape juiceand wine using the MegaQuant colorimeter (measurement at 505 nm).


D-Fru ctose and D-Glu cose are found in most plant products. In foods,they are present in significant quantities in honey, wine and beer, anda range of solid foodstuffs such as bread and pastries, chocolate andcandies. In the wine industry, the D-Fru ctose and D-Glu cose content isone of the most important parameters and is monitored at each stage ofthe wine making process. The specific aim of the current assay format isto provide a simple, rugged, reliable and accurate method for themeasurement of D-Fru ctose plus D-Glu cose employing an inexpensivecolorimeter (the MegaQuantTM Meter).


Kits suitable for performing 60 determinations are available fromMegazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:

Bottle 1: Buffer (100 mL, pH 10.0) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.

NOTE: This buffer contains sodium azide (0.02% w/v) as a

preservative, and thus should not be dispensed using a mouth pipette.

Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 2: Test tablets (60) containing NADP+, ATP, INT and FAD. Theseare supplied in a special plastic vial containing impregnated desiccant.Allow this container to warm to room temperature (preferably in thepresence of a desiccant) before opening to remove tablets. This willensure that the remaining tablets will not absorb moisture and thusguarantee maximum stability. Stable for 大于 2 years when stored at-20°C in a domestic freezer (preferably in a sealed container with adrying agent such as silica gel).

Bottle 3: Hexokinase, Glu cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoGlu coseisomerase and diaphorase suspension, 1.3 mL.

Stable for

大于 2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 4: D-Fru ctose standard solution (5 mL, 0.50 mg/mL) in 0.02% w/vsodium azide.

Stable for

大于 2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 5: Tablets (65) containing PVPP.

Stable for

大于 5 years at room temperature.






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