总代理Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic现货

Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic Harlan Teklad动物饲料 Harlan代理 欢迎新老客户访问Harlan官网或者咨询中国代理商金山科研平台获取更多详细资料。 Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic Atherogenic

Research use Key dietary features Examples
“Western” purified atherogenic diet
Accelerated hypercholesterolemia and plaque formation in genetically modified models such as Apoe and Ldlr deficient mice. Used for diet induced obesity in a variety of rodent models. High fat diet (20 – 23% by weight; 40 – 45% kcal from fat) Saturated fatty acids (SFA >60% of total fatty acids) Milkfat/butterfat Sucrose (34% by weight) Cholesterol (0.2% total) TD.88137 TD.10885
“Western” purified atherogenic diet with added cholesterol and cholate source*
Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) in primarily wild type mice and rats. Will not promote obesity. High fat diet (15 – 20% by weight;34 – 45% kcal from fat) Saturated fatty acids (SFA >55% of total fatty acids) Milkfat/butterfat, cocoa butter Sucrose (30-50% by weight) Cholesterol (1 – 1.25%) Cholate Source (0.5%)* TD.02028 TD.09237
Hybrid high fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*
Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) in primarily wild type mice and rats. Will not promote obesity. Also used for lithogenic (gallstone) rodent studies. 75% rodent breeder diet; 25% purified ingredients High fat (~15% by weight; 37% kcal from fat) Saturated fatty acids (SFA >45% of total fatty acids) Cholesterol (1.25%) Cholate source (0.5%)* TD.88051 TD.90221
Standard diets with added cholesterol
Induce hypercholesterolemia in genetically modified and wild type models without promoting obesity. Standard, grain-based rodent diet Minimal/moderate phytoestrogen diets recommended Cholesterol (1 – 4%) TD.120097 TD.07841 TD.01383

*Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis. However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available. *Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis.However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available.

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