ThermoFisher ER1701 DpnI (10 U/µL) 500 unitsInvitrogen

货品编号: ThermoFisher.ER1701

品牌: ThermoFisher

品名: DpnI (10 U/µL)

规格: 500 units


Thermo Scientific DpnI restriction enzyme recognizes Gm6A^TC sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango buffer (isoschizomers: MalI).

See Reaction Conditions for Restriction Enzymes for a table of enzyme activity, conditions for double digestion, and heat inactivation

for this and other restriction enzymes. Note: Also available as a FastDigest enzyme for rapid DNA digestion.

Thermo Scientific conventional restriction endonucleases are a large collection of high quality restriction enzymes, optimized to work

in one of the buffers of the Five Buffer System. In addition, the universal Tango buffer is provided for convenience in double digestions.

All of the enzymes exhibit 100% activity in the recommended buffer and reaction conditions. To ensure consistent performance, Thermo

Scientific restriction enzyme reaction buffers contain premixed BSA, which enhances the stability of many enzymes and binds contaminants

that may be present in DNA preparations.

Features • Superior quality—stringent quality control and industry leading manufacturing process • Convenient color-coded Five Buffer System • Includes universal Tango buffer for double-digestions • BSA premixed in reaction buffers • Wide selection of restriction endonuclease specificities

Applications • Molecular cloning • Restriction site mapping • Genotyping • Southern blotting • Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) • SNP


DpnI requires the presence of N6-methyladenine within the recognition sequence to cleave DNA. DNA purified from a dam+ strain will be

a substrate for DpnI. DpnI will only cleave fully-adenomethylated dam sites. Hemi-adenomethylated dam sites DpnI cleaves 60X more slowly.

DpnI, Bsp143I, and MboI all recognize the same sequence, but have different methylation sensitivities and cleavage sites. Assayed using

pBR322 DNA. For methylation sensitivity, refer to product specifications.

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