Sigma kk7103 KAPA EXPRESS EXTRACT (500RXN) Sigma-Aldrich

货品编号: Sigma.kk7103 品牌: Sigma 品名: KAPA EXPRESS EXTRACT 规格: 500RXN 产品描述: 包装 • KAPA Express Extract Enzyme (1 U/μL) • 10X KAPA Express Extract Buffer

Preparation Note Handling: KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix may not freeze solidly, even when stored at -20°C. This will not affect the shelf-life of the

product. Always ensure that the product has been fully thawed and mixed before use.

Quality All components contained with KAPA Express Extract Kits are subjected to stringent quality control tests, are free of contaminating

exo- and endonuclease activities, and meet strict requirements with respect to DNA contamination.

Application KAPA Express Extract is ideally suited for the extraction of PCR-ready DNA from, but not limited to, the following sample types: • Human tissue (FFPE samples; blood collected in EDTA tubes or on collection cards; buccal swabs; hair follicles; forensic samples) • Animal samples (ear or tail clippings; hair follicles; blood; bone marrow; dried or fresh tissue from mouse and other mammals) • Fish tissues (fin punches; fresh tissue; cold and hot smoked canned samples; ethanol-preserved samples) • Insects (crushed) • Bird feathers (calamus fragments).

Features and Benefits Key Features: • Rapid extraction protocol: PCR-ready DNA in 15 minutes • Versatility: single kit optimized for a variety of sample types • Single-tube reaction minimizes risk of contamination

Rapid DNA extraction from a variety of sample types: • From sample to PCR in less than 15 minutes • Successful extraction from a variety of tissue types, including buccal swabs, hair follicles, fish tissue, and bird feathers

Increased PCR success from FFPE samples or tissues: • Rapid DNA extraction and consistent downstream amplification of challenging sample types

Routine DNA extraction from blood sample types: • Efficient extraction from “Guthrie”cards, FTA® Elute cards, and FTA cards

Quick Notes: • Extract PCR-ready DNA from different tissue types in a quick and simple, single-tube protocol (15–20 min), without the need for

hazardous chemicals or multiple washing steps. • Significantly reduced turnaround times and risk of sample loss and contamination. • Use 1 μL DNA extract per 25 μL PCR. Depending on the sample type, the extract may have to be diluted prior to PCR. • One extract typically yields a sufficient amount of template for 50–500 PCRs. • DNA extracts may be diluted in TE Buffer (1:5) or 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8–8.5 (1:5–1:10) for long-term storage at -20°C. Extracts

are stable at -20°C for ≥6 months. • KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix is recommended for consistent and reliable endpoint amplification of DNA extracts generated

with KAPA Express Extract. • No quantification of DNA required prior to PCR.

General description KAPA Express Extract is a novel thermostable protease and buffer system that allows for the extraction of PCR-ready DNA in as little

as 15 minutes. DNA extractions are conveniently performed in a single-tube thereby greatly reducing the risk of sample loss and


The combination of KAPA Express Extract and KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix provides a high performance solution for rapid DNA

extraction and consistent downstream amplification.

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