货品编号: Thermo.AM10027 品牌:Thermo 品名:Magnetic Stand-96 规格: 1 each
The Magnetic Stand-96 is designed for paramagnetic bead precipitation from standard 96-well, U-bottom microplates and 0.2 mL
PCR plates with no additional accessories. The stand has a clear polyacryl base in standard SBS 96-well microplate footprint.
The use of 24 extremely strong permanent magnets guarantees easy and fast magnetic separation in as little as 30 seconds. It
sits flat on a lab bench as well as in a microplate adapter on robotic workstations.
Using the Magnetic Stand-96 The Magnetic Stand-96 is ideal for use with MagMAX™-96 magnetic bead-based RNA isolation kits, MagMAX™ for Stabilized Blood
Tubes RNA Isolation Kits, MagMAX™ FFPE Nucleic Acid Isolation Kits, and the MessageAmp™ Premier RNA Amplification Kit.
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