Sigam.L2769 外源凝集素(菜豆) 2MGSigma-Aldrich

货品编号: Sigam.L2769 品牌: Sigam 品名: L2769外源凝集素(菜豆) 规格:2MG


Analysis Note Agglutination activity is expressed in μg/ml and is determined from serial dilutions of a 1 mg/ml solution. This activity

is the lowest concentration to agglutinate a suspension of either human erythrocytes (2% in phosphate buffered saline,

pH 6.8) or human leukocytes (107 per mL in saline) after 1 hr incubation at 25 °C.

Biochem/physiol Actions PHA 由两个分子种类构成,一种是红细胞凝集素 (PHA-E),具有低促有丝分裂活性和高红细胞凝集活性,另一种是白细

胞凝集素 (PHA-L),具有高促有丝分裂和白细胞凝集活性,但红细胞凝集活性极低。

PHA-E 不具有血型特异性,但凝集作用受某些寡糖抑制。PHA-P 是在分离和纯化红细胞凝集素和白细胞凝集素前 PHA

的蛋白质形式。PHA-M 为粘蛋白形式。由相应的已纯化凝集素制备偶联物。

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