FD Neuro.PK401A FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (small) For up to 25 mouse brainsFD Neuro

货品编号: FD Neuro.PK401A 品牌:PK401A 品名:FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (small)For up to 25 mouse brains


Golgi-Cox impregnation1, 2has been one of the most effective techniques for studying both the normal and abnormal

morphology of neurons as well as glia. Using the Golgi technique, subtle morphological alterations in neuronal dendrites

and dendritic spines have been discovered in the brains of animals treated with drugs as well as in the postmortem brains

of patients with neurological diseases3, 4. However, the unreliability and the time-consuming process of Golgi staining have

been major obstacles to the widespread application of this technique

FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit is designed based on the principle of the methods described by Ramón- Moliner2, Glaser and Van

der Loos5. This kit has not only dramatically improved and simplified the Golgi-Cox technique but has also proven to be extremely

reliable and sensitive for demonstrating morphological details of neurons and glia, especially dendritic spines. The FD Rapid

GolgiStain™ Kit has beentested extensively and widely usedon the brains from several species of animals as well as on the

specimens of postmortem human brains.

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