harlan teklad官网 动物饲料 脂肪脂调节 TD.96355生酮饮食现货总代理


harlan teklad官网 动物饲料 脂肪/脂调节 TD.96355生酮饮食

在饮食中调节脂肪的水平和来源是有很多可能性的。如果你的主要兴趣是引发动脉粥样硬化或肥胖症,你可以在我们的特克乐上找到更多的信息。动脉粥样硬化和饮食诱导肥胖(Dio)饮食页。根据你的研究目标和所需要的脂肪补充水平,脂肪可以添加到一个标准的天然成分饮食或净化饮食。 纯化的成分被提炼到化学简单的程度,并允许极端的脂肪水平,例如没有脂肪饮食。TD.03314或者是高脂肪的生酮饮食TD.96355。除非对纤维水平做出调整,否则高脂肪水平的饮食将有更大的热量密度,因为脂肪含有9千卡/克,而碳水化合物或蛋白质为4千卡/克。动物善于调节热量的摄入,因此通常调整其他营养素(维生素、矿物质、蛋白质)相对能量含量,以说明饲料摄入量的差异。 特殊脂肪可以用于这种必需脂肪酸缺乏的饮食中。TD.84224或从亚麻籽或鱼油中提供较高水平的omega-3多不饱和脂肪。通常,玉米或大豆油等植物来源的1-2%的脂肪会提供足够的必需脂肪酸。额外的脂肪提供能量,并可影响适口性,因为影响口味和饮食结构。 混合脂肪可以用来模仿西方或地中海的饮食脂肪酸谱。联系我们获得一张比较几种脂肪来源(固体脂肪、油脂)脂肪酸组成的表格。 我们还经常与客户提供的油和纯化脂肪酸,如DHA和EPA。如果你喜欢在你的实验室里混合脂肪源,问一问基本的混合。基础混合是以粉末形式提供的,并且经常允许您使用一种饮食组合来创建几种不同的饮食。 如果脂肪稳定性是一个问题,联系营养学家讨论饮食干燥,真空包装,合成抗氧化剂补充选择。 示例d上文所述的iets

  • TD.0331462%蔗糖饮食(无脂肪)
  • TD.96355生酮饮食
  • TD.84224必需脂肪酸缺乏饮食


Fat/lipid adjusted | Envigo There are numerous possibilities in adjusting both the level and source of fat in a diet. If your primary interest is inducing atherosclerosis or obesity, additional information can be found on our Tekladatherogenicanddiet induced obesity(DIO) diet pages. Depending on your research goals and level of desired fat supplementation, fats can be added to a standard natural ingredient diet or a purified diet. Purified ingredients are refined to the point of chemical simplicity and allow for extreme fat levels such as no fat dietTD.03314or very high fat ketogenic dietTD.96355. Unless adjustments are made to the level of fiber, diets with high fat levels will have a greater caloric density since fat contains 9 kcal/g versus 4 kcal/g for carbohydrate or protein. Animals are good at regulating caloric intake, therefore it is common to adjust other nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) relative to energy content to account for differences in feed intake. Specific fats can be utilized as in this essential fatty acid deficient dietTD.84224or to provide high levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fat from flaxseed or fish oil. Normally, 1-2% fat from plant sources like corn or soybean oil will supply sufficient levels of essential fatty acids. Additional fat provides energy and can influence palatability due to effects on taste and texture of the diet. Mixtures of fats can be used to mimic a Western or Mediterranean diet fatty acid profile. Contact us for a table comparing the fatty acid composition of several stocked fat sources (solid fats, oils). We also commonly work with customer supplied oils and purified fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. If you prefer to mix fat sources in your lab, ask about a basal mix. Basal mixes are supplied in powder form and often allow you to use one diet mix for creating several different diets. If fat stability is a concern, contact a nutritionist to discuss options for diet drying, vacuum packaging, and synthetic antioxidant supplementation. Example diets mentioned above

  • TD.0331462% sucrose diet (no fat)
  • TD.96355Ketogenic diet
  • TD.84224Essential fatty acid deficient diet

Contact usto discuss the use of these example diets or one that better meets your needs.

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