harlan teklad官网代理商 蛋白质调节饮食 TD.93328   TD.90016 现货总代理

harlan teklad官网代理商 蛋白质调节饮食 TD.93328 TD.90016 蛋白质调节饮食 一些蛋白质调整的公式如下所示。请与我们联系,以获得更多的这种性质的配方,或更多有关改变蛋白质类型或饮食内容的信息。 公式示例:

  • TD.93328“无蛋白质”饮食
  • TD.900166%蛋白质饮食
  • TD.9135220%蛋白质饮食
  • TD.9001840%蛋白质饮食

这些饮食的例子来自一系列的饮食,有以下特点:酪蛋白为基础,等热量(3.8千卡/克),与脂肪(5.5%),钙(0.7%)和磷(0.54%)匹配。从这一系列的饮食中可以得到其他的饮食,以及其他独特的蛋白质调整的饮食。 酪蛋白是最广泛使用的精制蛋白质来源,但也可以使用其他精制蛋白质来源,如“无维生素”测试酪蛋白(醇提),乳清蛋白,分离大豆蛋白和蛋清固体。这些特定的蛋白质来源通常用于实现特定的研究目标,而不是用于常规用途。例如,无维生素测试酪蛋白最适合用于缺乏维生素的饮食,而蛋清固体最适合于锌或生物素缺乏的饮食。 根据研究结果,调整后的蛋白质饮食通常从“无蛋白质”(微量)到60%的蛋白质。

Protein adjusted diets | Envigo A few protein adjusted formulas are shown below. Please contact us for additional formulas of this nature or for more information about altering the protein type or content of a diet. Formula examples:

  • TD.93328 “Protein free” diet
  • TD.90016 6% Protein diet
  • TD.91352 20% Protein diet
  • TD.90018 40% Protein diet

These diet examples are from a series of diets with the following features: casein-based, isocaloric (3.8 kcal/g) and matched for fat (5.5%), calcium (0.7%), and phosphorus (0.54%). There are other diets available from this series of diets, as well as other unique protein adjusted diets. Casein is the most widely used refined protein source, but it is also possible to use other refined protein sources, such as “vitamin-free” test casein (alcohol extracted), lactalbumin, isolated soy protein, and egg white solids. These particular protein sources are usually used to achieve a specific research objective, rather than for routine use. For instance, vitamin-free test casein is most appropriately used in vitamin deficient diets, and egg white solids is most suitable for zinc or biotin deficient diets. Adjusted protein diets usually range from “protein-free” (trace) to 60% protein, depending on the research.

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