日本 CLEA Japan 特殊实验配方饮食 Formula Diets for Special Experiments现货总代理

日本 CLEA Japan 特殊实验配方饮食 Formula Diets for Special Experiments 金山科研平台代理日本CLEA Japan 公司饲料,欢迎客户访问CLEA Japan 官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关产品信息。

Drug-containing Diets 含药饲料 Purified Diets 纯化饲料 AIN Purified Basic Formula Diet AIN精制基础配方饲料 Specified Formula Diets 指定配方饲料 Various Diet Materials 各种膳食材料 Special Form Diets, Imported Diets 特殊形式的饲料,进口的饲料 Past Record of Special Diet Manufacturing 特殊饲料制造的过去记录

Drug-containing Diets含药饲料 We provide diets prepared from our standard products with the addition of drugs or other substances as designated; these diets are applicable to pharmacology or toxicity studies. 我们提供由我们的标准产品准备的饮食,添加指定的药物或其他物质;这些饮食适用于药理学或毒性研究。

饮食编号 产品 Products D15001 CE-2+2%胆固醇1%胆酸5%棕榈油 CE-2 + 2% cholesterol, 1% cholic acid, 5% palm oil D15002 CE-2+1%胆固醇,0.5%胆酸,10%棕榈油 CE-2 + 1% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid, 10% palm oil D15010 CE-2+1%胆固醇,0.5%胆酸钠 CE-2 + 1% cholesterol, 0.5% sodium cholate D15020 CE-2+1%胆固醇,0.2%胆酸钠,5%橄榄油 CE-2 + 1% cholesterol, 0.2% sodium cholate, 5% olive oil D15030 CE-2+3%胆固醇,15%黄油 CE-2 + 3% cholesterol, 15% butter D15040 CE-2+牛油粉 CE-2 + powdered beef tallow D25001 CR-3+2%胆固醇6%花生油 CR-3 + 2% cholesterol, 6% peanut oil D25010 CR-3+1%胆固醇 CR-3 + 1% cholesterol D25011 CR-3+2%胆固醇 CR-3 + 2% cholesterol D15100 CE-2+3%NaCl CE-2 + 3% NaCl D15101 CE-2+8%NaCl CE-2 + 8% NaCl D15000 小鼠和大鼠饮食+其他提供的药物 Diets for mice and rats + other provided drugs D25000 兔子饮食+其他提供的药物 Diets for rabbits + other provided drugs D35000 豚鼠饮食+其他提供的药物 Diets for guinea pigs + other provided drugs D45000 狗的饮食+其他提供的药物 Diets for dogs + other provided drugs D55000 猴子饮食+其他提供的药物 Diets for monkeys + other provided drugs D 65000 其他饮食+其他提供的药物 Other diets + other provided drugs

Purified diets纯化饲料 These diets are prepared from purified materials (casein, various sugars, etc.) for which the contents and origins of various nutrients are clearly known. These diets are widely applicable to situations in which the adjustment of specific nutrients is needed (which can be difficult using natural materials), to situations in which the preparation of a pathological status is required (such as a deficiency or an excess of specific vitamins or minerals), and for various nutritional studies. Basic diet < CLEA purified basic formula diet > CLEA purified basic formula diet is designed by combining purified raw materials for which the origins of the nutrients are definitely known. This diet allows us to readily prepare deficiencies or excesses of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) that are difficult to adjust when using natural raw materials. < AIN purified basic formula diets > These diets are the standard purified diets proposed by the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN) in 1977 (AIN-76) and 1993 (AIN-93) for use in nutritional studies using mice or rats. The compositions of these diets were determined by the AIN based on the nutritional requirements of mice and rats issued by the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council (NAS-NRC), which were determined using indications such as of favorable growth, pregnancy, and lactation during the year after birth. 这些饮食是由纯化的原料(酪蛋白、各种糖等)制成的。各种营养物质的含量和来源都很清楚。这些饮食广泛适用于需要调整特定营养物的情况(使用天然材料可能很困难)、需要准备病理状态的情况(例如缺乏或过量的特定维生素或矿物质),以及各种营养研究。 基本饮食 < CLEA purified basic formula diet > Clea纯化的基本配方饮食是通过组合纯化的原料来设计的,这些原料的营养来源是非常清楚的。这种饮食使我们可以随时准备营养不足或过量(维生素、矿物质等)。在使用天然原料时很难调整。 < AIN purified basic formula diets > 这些饮食是美国营养研究所(AIN)在1977年(AIN-76)和1993年(AIN-93)提出的标准纯化饮食,用于使用小鼠或大鼠的营养研究。这些饮食的组成由AIN根据国家科学院国家研究委员会(NAS-NRC)发布的小鼠和大鼠的营养需求来确定。

CLEA purified basic formula diet Milk casein 牛奶酪蛋白 24.50% Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 45.50% Granulated sugar 砂糖 10.00% Corn oil 玉米油 6.00% Crystalline cellulose 结晶纤维素 3.00% Cellulose powder 纤维素粉 2.00% Okanol (pregelatinized starch)* 奥卡诺(预糊化淀粉)* 1.00% Vitamin mix (for CLEA purified diet) 维生素混合物(用于洁净饮食) 1.00% Mineral mix (for CLEA purified diet) 矿物混合物(用于Clea纯饲料) 7.00% Total 共计 100.00%

*Potato starch*马铃薯淀粉

AIN purified basic formula diets AIN-76 AIN-93G* AIN-93M* Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 15.00% 39.75% 46.57% Milk casein 牛奶酪蛋白 20.00% 20.00% 14.00% Pregelatinized cornstarch 预变性玉米淀粉 - 13.20% 15.50% Granulated sugar 砂糖 50.00% 10.00% 10.00% Purified soybean oil 纯化大豆油 - 7.00% 4.00% Cellulose powder 纤维素粉 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Mineral mix (AIN-93M-MX) 矿物混合(AIN-9300万-MX) 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% Vitamin mix (AIN-93VX) 维生素混合物(AIN-93VX) 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% L-cystine L-胱氨酸 - 0.30% 0.18% Choline bitartrate 酒石酸胆碱 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% Tertiary butylhydroquinone 叔丁基对苯二酚 - 0.00% 0.00% DL-methionine DL-蛋氨酸 0.30% - - Corn oil 玉米油 5.00% - -

*Composition of powdery diets. For solid diets, part of the pregelatinized cornstarch is replaced with cornstarch.*粉状饮食的组成。对于固体饮食,部分预糊化玉米淀粉被玉米淀粉取代。 Examples of purified diet manufacturing纯饲料生产实例

  • Protein formula diet: adjustment of protein quantities and alterations in the protein material
  • Fat formula diet: adjustment of the fat quantities and alteration of the fat material (high-fat diet, low-fat diet)
  • Vitamin formula diet: adjustment of the amounts of vitamins added or no addition of vitamins
  • Mineral formula diet: adjustment of the amounts of minerals added or no addition of minerals
  • 蛋白质配方饮食:蛋白质量的调整和蛋白质材料的改变
  • 脂肪配方饮食:调整脂肪数量和改变脂肪物质(高脂饮食,低脂肪饮食)
  • 维生素配方饮食:调整维生素添加量或不添加维生素
  • 矿物配方饮食:调整矿物质添加量或不添加矿物质

For special formula diets including those other than the above, consult the diet division of our company. 如需特殊配方饲料,请咨询本公司的饮食部门。 AIN purified basic formula dietsAIN精制基础配方饲料 hese diets are standard purified diets proposed by the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN) in 1977 (AIN-76) and 1993 (AIN-93) for use in nutritional studies using mice and rats. The compositions of these diets were determined by the AIN based on the nutritional requirements of mice and rats issued by the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council (NAS-NRC), which were determined using indications such as of favorable growth, pregnancy, and lactation during the year after birth. 这些饮食是美国营养研究所(AIN)在1977年(AIN-76)和1993年(AIN-93)提出的标准纯化饲料,用于使用小鼠和大鼠的营养研究。这些饮食的组成由AIN根据国家科学院国家研究委员会(NAS-NRC)发布的小鼠和大鼠的营养需求来确定。 AIN-76 purified basic formula diet 纯基本配方饮食

Composition Milk casein 牛奶酪蛋白 20.00% DI-methionine 二蛋氨酸 0.30% Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 15.00% Granulated sugar 砂糖 50.00% Cellulose powder 纤维素粉 5.00% Corn oil 玉米油 5.00% Vitamin mix (AIN-76) 维生素混合物(AIN-76) 1.00% Mineral mix (AIN-76) 矿物混合(AIN-76) 3.50% Choline bitartrate 酒石酸胆碱 0.20% 100.00%

AIN-76 vitamin mix Vitamin A (1,000,000 IU/g) 维生素A(1 000 000 IU/g) 0.08% Vitamin D3 (500,000 IU/g) 维生素D 3(500 000 IU/g) 0.02% Vitamin E (50%) 维生素E(50%) 1.00% Vitamin B1 维生素B1 0.06% Vitamin B2 维生素B2 0.06% Vitamin B6 维生素B6 0.07% Vitamin B12(0.1%) 维生素B12(0.1%) 0.10% Nicotinic acid 烟酸 0.30% Calcium pantothenate 泛酸钙 0.16% Folic acid 叶酸 0.02% Biotin (2%) 生物素(2%) 0.10% Vitamin K3 维生素K3 0.00% Granulated sugar 砂糖 97.95% 100.00%

AIN-76 mineral mix CaHPO4・2H2O CaHPO4·2H2O 50.00% Nacl 氯化钠 7.40% K3C6H5O5・H2O K3C6H5O5·H2O 22.00% K2SO4 K2SO4 5.20% MgO 氧化镁 2.40% MnCO3 MnCO3 0.35% FeC6H5O7・5H2O FeC6H5O7・5H2O 0.60% 5ZnO・2CO2・4H2O 5ZnO·2CO2·4H2O 0.16% CuCO3Cu(OH)2・H2O 库科3Cu(OH)2·H2O 0.03% KIO3 KIO3 0.00% Na2SeO3・5H2O Na2SeO3・5H2O 0.00% CrK(SO4)2・12H2O CrK(SO4)2・12H2O 0.06% Granulated sugar 砂糖 11.80% 100.00%

AIN-93 purified basic formula diet AIN-93纯天然配方奶

Conposition AIN-93G AIN-93M (Breeding for pregnancy lactation) (for Maintenance) Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 39.75% 46.57% Milk Casein 牛奶酪蛋白 20.00% 14.00% Pregelatinized cornstarch 预变性玉米淀粉 13.20% 15.50% Granulated sugar 砂糖 10.00% 10.00% Purified soybean oil 纯化大豆油 7.00% 4.00% Cellulose powder 纤维素粉 5.00% 5.00% Mineral mix 矿物混合 (AIN-93G-MX) 3.5% (AIN-93M-MX) 3.5% Vitamin mix 维生素混合 1.00% 1.00% (AIN-93VX) (AIN-93VX) L-Cystine L-胱氨酸 0.30% 0.18% Choline bitartrate 酒石酸胆碱 0.25% 0.25% Tertiary butylhydroquinone 叔丁基对苯二酚 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00%

AIN-93VX Vitamin mix Nicotinic acid 烟酸 0.30% Dl-Calcium pantothenate DL-泛酸钙 0.32% Vitamin B6 维生素B6 0.07% Vitamin B1 维生素B1 0.06% Vitamin B2 维生素B2 0.06% Folic acid 叶酸 0.02% D-biotin (2%) D-生物素(2%) 0.10% Vitamin B12(0.1%) 维生素B12(0.1%) 0.25% Vitamin E(50%) 维生素E(50%) 1.50% Vitamin A(500,000IU/g) 维生素A(50万IU/g) 0.08% Vitamin D3(500,000IU/g) 维生素D3(50万IU/g) 0.02% Vitamin K1(phylloquinone) 维生素K1(卟啉醌) 0.01% Granulated sugar 砂糖 97.21% 100.00%

Mineral mix AIN-93G-MX AIN-93M-MX CaCO3 碳酸钙3 35.70% 35.70% KH22PO4 KH22PO4 19.60% 25.00% K3C6H5O7・H2O K3C6H5O7·H2O 7.08% 2.80% NaCl 氯化钠 7.40% 7.40% K2SO4 K2所以4 4.66% 4.66% MgO 乐高 2.40% 2.40% FeC6H5O7・H2O FEC6H5O7·H2O 0.61% 0.61% 5ZnO・2CO2・H2O 5ZnO·2CO2·H2O 0.17% 0.17% MnCO3 MnCO3 0.06% 0.06% CuCO3Cu(OH)2・H2O 库科3Cu(OH)2·H2O 0.03% 0.03% KIO3 KIO3 0.00% 0.00% Na2SeO42SEO4 0.00% 0.00% (NH4)6Mo7O24・4H2O (NH)4)6Mo7O24·4H2O 0.00% 0.00% Na2SiO3・9H2O 纳2SiO3·9H2O 0.15% 0.15% CrK(SO4)2・12H2O 克尔克4)2·12H2O 0.03% 0.03% H3BO3 H33 0.01% 0.01% NaF 纳法 0.01% 0.01% NiCO3・2Ni(OH2)・4H2O 尼科3·2Ni(OH)2)·4H2O 0.00% 0.00% LiCl 氯化锂 0.00% 0.00% NH4VO34Vo3 0.00% 0.00% Granulated sugar 砂糖 22.10% 22.10%

Special Formula Diets 特殊配方饲料 These diets are based on our standard products with some modifications in composition (e.g., the removal or increase in the quantity of a particular ingredient). 这些饮食是以我们的标准产品为基础,并对成分进行了一些修改(例如,去除或增加某一特定成分的数量)。

Diet No. Product CLEA Diet No.001 CR-3 without alfalfa CLEA Diet No.002 CR-3 without alfalfa and Vit. C CLEA Diet No.005 CE-2 low fat CLEA Diet No.006 CE-2 low Ca CLEA Diet No.007 CE-2 sorbic acid 15% CLEA Diet No.008 CA-1 low iodine CLEA Diet No.009 CA-1 low selenium CLEA Diet No.010 CA-1 low sodium CLEA Diet No.011 CE-2 low iodine CLEA Diet No.012 CE-2 without fish flour CLEA Diet No.013 CA-1 Ca 1% CLEA Diet No.014 CG-7 low Vit. C CLEA Diet No.015 CE-2 Na-free CLEA Diet No.016 CR-3 without soybean oil + 1.2% lard

Various Diet Materials 各种饲料材料 We provide single items of various natural materials and purified diets for sale. 我们提供单一项目的各种天然材料和纯化饮食出售。

Protein materials 蛋白质材料 Milk casein 牛奶酪蛋白 Vitamin-free casein 无维生素酪蛋白 Egg white powder 蛋清粉 Purified soybean protein 纯化大豆蛋白 Edible soybean protein 食用大豆蛋白 Fat materials 脂肪材料 [Vegetable] [蔬菜] Corn oil 玉米油 Purified soybean oil 纯化大豆油 Palm oil (coconut oil) 棕榈油(椰子油) [Animal] [动物] Purified lard 纯化猪油 Powdered beef tallow 牛油粉 Carbohydrate materials 碳水化合物材料 Cornstarch (raw starch/corn) 玉米淀粉(生淀粉/玉米) Granulated sugar (sucrose) 砂糖(蔗糖) Okanol (pregelatinized starch/potato) 奥卡诺(预糊化淀粉/马铃薯) Pregelatinized cornstarch (corn) 预变性玉米淀粉(玉米) Fiber materials 纤维材料 Filter paper powder 滤纸粉 Crystalline cellulose 结晶纤维素 Cellulose powder 纤维素粉 ■Vitamin mix, mineral mix ■维生素混合物 For CLEA purification For CLEA purification AIN-76 AIN-76 AIN-93 AIN-93 Harper Harper

Past Record of Special Diet Manufacturing 特之前销售殊饲料制造 Low-zinc diet (Diet No. A12551) 低锌饲料(塑料编号 A12551)




Granulated sugar


Egg white powder


Corn oil


Cellulose powder




Vitamin mix (purified)


Mineral mix



Mineral mix (in 100 g of diet)矿物混合(100克膳食)
























Analytical values

  1. Zn 0.11 mg% formula O-7290 analysis E-1219 (Dec. ‘87)
  2. Zn 0.22 mg% formula O-9279 analysis E-1682 (Oct. ‘89)
  3. Zn 0.20 mg% formula O-9286 analysis E-1693 (Oct. ‘89)
  4. Zn 0.38 mg% formula O-1057 analysis E-2053 (Feb. ‘91)
  5. Zn 0.18 mg% formula O-1216 analysis E-2053 (Jul. ‘91)

Other diets

  • Bile stone-producing diet (for hamsters)产胆结石的食物(为仓鼠)
  • Low choline, protein formula diet低胆碱、蛋白质配方饮食
  • Low-sodium diet低钠饮食
  • Low-magnesium diet低镁饮食
  • Low-iron diet低铁饮食
  • Low-vitamin diet低维生素饮食
  • Low-calcium diet低钙饮食
  • 0.5% Calcium diet0.5%钙饮食
  • Low-potassium diet低钾饮食
  • Low-selenium diet低硒饮食
  • Low-copper diet低铜饮食
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