Pointe Scientific代理
简要描述:Pointe Scientific代理Pointe Pointe Scientific- Pointe 180 Printer Paper Pointe Scientific- Redi-Check Linearity Set Pointe Scientific-12 x 75mm test tubes Pointe Scientific-Pointe 180 QT Printer Pape
Pointe Scientific代理Pointe Scientific代理
Pointe Scientific- Pointe 180 Printer Paper Pointe Scientific- Redi-Check Linearity Set Pointe Scientific-12 x 75mm test tubes Pointe Scientific-Pointe 180 QT Printer Pape
Pointe Scientific
Product Name | Catalog Number | Brand |
12 x 75mm test tubes | 90-12B-01 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Cl- Electrode | 90.A11-130 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ K+ Electrode | 90.A11-120 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Na+ Electrode | 90.A11-110 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Reference Electrode | 90.A11-140 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Daily Cleaning Solution | 90.A11-210 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Reference Housing | 90.A11-400 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Reference Solution KCL | 90.A11-240 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Sodium Electrode | 90.A11-200 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 impulse™ Tri-Level QC Kit | 90.A11-310 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 Printer Paper | 90-P1907-03 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 II Printer Paper | 96-MTP400 | Pointe Scientific |
Pointe 180 QT Printer Paper | 90-150006 | Pointe Scientific |
Redi-Check Linearity Set | 90-L7548-18012 x | Pointe Scientific |
Hitachi™ Reagent Bottles (20 ml) | HB532-10 | Pointe Scientific |
Albumin | OA902-792 | Pointe Scientific |
Alkaline Phosphatase | OA916-302 | Pointe Scientific |
ALT | OA926-487 | Pointe Scientific |
Amylase | OA965-463 | Pointe Scientific |
AST | OA961-487 | Pointe Scientific |
Bilirubin - Direct | OB936-114 | Pointe Scientific |
Bilirubin - Total | OB979-711 | Pointe Scientific |
BUN (Urea Nitrogen) | OB952-482 | Pointe Scientific |
Calcium | OC902-576 | Pointe Scientific |
Carbon Dioxide | OC702-180 | Pointe Scientific |
Cholesterol | OC910-780 | Pointe Scientific |
Creatine Kinase | OC922-300 | Pointe Scientific |
Creatinine | OC939-739 | Pointe Scientific |
Glucose Hexokinase | OG917-396 | Pointe Scientific |
OH945-480autoHDL™ Cholesterol | OH945-480 | Pointe Scientific |
Hemoglobin A1c | OH546-40 | Pointe Scientific |
Iron - Total | OI904-481 | Pointe Scientific |
Lactate Dehydrogenase | OL956-295 | Pointe Scientific |
autoLDL™ Cholesterol | OL974-480 | Pointe Scientific |
Magnesium | OM929-300 | Pointe Scientific |
Olympus Wash Solution | OW910-DET | Pointe Scientific |
Phosphorus | OP916-576 | Pointe Scientific |
Protein - Total | OT928-576 | Pointe Scientific |
Triglyceride | OT932-780 | Pointe Scientific |
Uric Acid | OU982-713 | Pointe Scientific |
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