NIBSC 09/272标准品
简要描述:NIBSC 09/272标准品——胎盘生长因子Ala 21-Arg 149,人,rDNA衍生(PlGF,PlGF-1)含有冻干重组大肠杆菌。金山科研平台提供NIBSC标准品。
产品中文名称:胎盘生长因子Ala 21-Arg 149,人,rDNA衍生(PlGF,PlGF-1)
产品英文名称:Placental growth factor Ala 21 - Arg 149, human, rDNA-derived (PlGF, PlGF-1)
NIBSC 09/272标准品预期用途:标有09/272的安瓿套装含有冻干重组大肠杆菌。大肠杆菌来源的胎盘生长因子(PlGF),人序列,残基Ala 21-Arg 149。已通过测量对制剂进行了评估其与Flt1受体的结合。
NIBSC 09/272注意事项:该制剂不适用于人类或人类食物链中的动物。
该制剂含有人类来源的材料,最终产品或其来源材料已经检测,HBsAg、抗-HIV和HCV RNA均呈阴性。与所有生物来源的材料一样,这种制剂应被视为对健康有潜在危害。应该使用和丢弃根据您自己实验室的安全程序。此类安全程序应包括佩戴防护手套和避免产生气溶胶。打开安瓿或小瓶时应小心,以避免割伤。
NIBSC 09/272标准品产品成分:
PlGF:10 microgram/ml
trehalose:2mg per ml
human serum albumin:5mg per ml
in Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (without calcium, withoutmagnesium).
NIBSC 09/272 标准品储存:The ampoules are shipped at ambient temperature. Unopened ampoulesshould be stored at -20 degrees C in the dark. For economy of use, it isrecommended that the reconstituted solution be subdivided into severalsmall containers and stored at, or below, -40 degrees C. Repeatedfreezing and thawing should be avoided. The ampoules do not containbacteriostat and solutions of the ampouled material should not beassumed to be sterilePlease note: because of the inherent stability of lyophilizedmaterial, NIBSC may ship these materials at ambient temperature.
更过有关NIBSC 09/272 标准品产品介绍,请联系金山科研平台:微信jinshanbio
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