博奥森.bsm-33332M 微管相关蛋白单克隆抗体 50ul Bioss

货品编号: 博奥森.bsm-33332M 品牌:博奥森 品名:微管相关蛋白单克隆抗体 规格:50ul

产品描述: Tau proteins are important Promotes microtubule assembly and stability, and might be involved in the establishment

and maintenance of neuronal polarity. The C-terminus binds axonal microtubules while the N-terminus binds neural

plasma membrane components, suggesting that tau functions as a linker protein between both. Axonal polarity is

predetermined by tau localization (in the neuronal cell) in the domain of the cell body defined by the centrosome. The

short isoforms allow plasticity of the cytoskeleton whereas the longer isoforms may preferentially play a role in its

stabilization. Tau proteins subcellular located in the axons of neurons, in the cytoso l and in association with plasma

membrane components. It expressed in neurons. PNS-tau is expressed in the peripheral nervous system while the

others are expressed in the central nervous system.

Function: Promotes microtubule assembly and stability, and might be involved in the establishment and maintenance of neuronal

polarity. The C-terminus binds axonal microtubules while the N-terminus binds neural plasma membrane components,

suggesting that tau functions as a linker protein between both. Axonal polarity is predetermined by tau localization (in the

neuronal cell) in the domain of the cell body defined by the centrosome. The short isoforms allow plasticity of the cytoskeleton

whereas the longer isoforms may preferentially play a role in its stabilization.

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