sigma.M4276-0.2ml 单克隆抗肌球蛋白(骨骼,快速)小鼠抗 0.2mlSigma-Aldrich

货品编号: sigma.M4276-0.2ml

品牌: sigma

品名: 单克隆抗肌球蛋白(骨骼,快速)小鼠抗

规格: 0.2ml


Monoclonal Anti-Skeletal Myosin (mouse IgG1 isotype) is derived from the hybridoma produced by the fusion of mouse myeloma

cells and splenocytes from an immunized mouse. Myosin is a 480,000 dalton protein known to interact with actin in muscle and in

non-muscle cells. It contains two identical heavy chains (200,000 daltons each) and four light chains (15,000-26,000 daltons).

Myosin molecules consist of two major regions: tails (rods) and heads;[5] they aggregate into filaments through the tail region and

interact with actin and with ATP through the head region. Multiple forms of myosin heavy chains exist for each muscle type-skeletal,

cardiac, smooth and non-muscle isomyosin forms exist in different types of skeletal muscle, depending on the physiological function

of the muscle. These are designated at type I (slow twitch) and type II (fast-twitch). Type II fibers can be further subdivided in types IIA,

IIB, and IIC.[5]



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