The Wizard™ Classic line of random sparse matrix screens is designed to increase your probability of producing crystals during the coarse screening phase when crystallizing biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, peptides, and combinations thereof).
The Wizard Classic reagents are proven to be a highly effective starting point in the screening of biological macromolecules. The Wizard Classic formulations include a large range of crystallants, buffers, and salts covering a broad range of crystallization space at pH levels from pH 4.5 to pH 10.5.Choose from Wizard Classic 1, 2, 3, or 4 non-overlapping formulations in matrix blocks or tubes.
Wizard Cubic LCP
The tools in the Wizard Cubic LCP (lipidic cubic phase) Kit enable researchers to prepare LCP-type crystallizations by hand. Ideal for low-protein experiments: effective protein volume for a single crystallization experiment is about 80 nanoliters.Wizard Cubic LCP Kit tools work especially well when traditional methods have failed to yield crystals.Lipidic cubic phase has worked well for the crystallization of 7TM membrane proteins (proteins with seven transmembrane helices). Four out of six GPCRs (G-protein coupled receptors), an important membrane protein class, and several microbial 7TM proteins have been crystallized using the LCP approach.
The Wizard Cryo™ line of random sparse matrix screens is designed for scientists who want to avoid the additional step of optimizing a cryoprotectant condition. Every Wizard Cryo formulation flash-freezes to a clear, amorphous glass in liquid nitrogen or in a cryo-stream at 100K. Crystals can be frozen directly from their growth drops, avoiding the additional step of pre-equilibration with an artificial cryo-condition that can damage the crystal. Eleven different cryocrystallants and sparing use of glycerol ensures a broad sampling of possible cryo conditions. Choose from Wizard Cryo 1 or 2 formulations in tubes or Wizard Cryo 1 and 2 together in a 96-well matrix block.
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