Sigma.A2504-100G 6-氨基己酸 Sigma-Aldrich

货品编号: Sigma.A2504-100G 品牌: Sigma 品名: 6-氨基己酸 规格: 100G 产品描述:

Application EACA is directly soluble in water at 25 mg/ml. As an inhibitor of plasmin it is has been utilized in the clotting buffer for

fibrinogen assays. This buffer is 10 mM potassium and sodium phosphate, pH 6.4, with 0.20 g CaCl2, 5 g 6-Aminohexanoic

acid, 1 g sodium azide, and 9 g NaCl in 1 liter. The buffer is stable indefinitely at room temperature.

Biochem/physiol Actions EACA is reported to inhibit chymotrypsin, Factor VIIa, lysine carbo­xy­peptidase, plasmin, and plasminogen activator. 赖氨酸类似物。促进纤溶酶快速解离,从而抑制纤溶酶原的活化以及后续的纤维蛋白溶解。据报告,EACA 可抑制纤溶酶原结

合至活化的血小板。早期报告表明,EACA 可抑制补体系统第一组分的活化。结合并灭活羧肽酶 B。

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