总代理Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类现货

Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类 Harlan Teklad动物饲料 Harlan代理 欢迎新老客户访问Harlan官网或者咨询中国代理商金山科研平台获取更多详细资料。 Teklad diet, bedding and enrichment+Teklad laboratory animal diets+Custom research diets Custom diets are developed for a specific purpose and benefit from your input and our expertise Determining the most appropriate diet for your research model can be challenging, but we are here to help. With more than 20,000 unique formulas in our database attained over 40 years, Envigo nutritionists have vast experience to draw upon. To meet the progressive demands of science and to serve you better, we continually add to our database as we acquire new knowledge. Common uses for custom diets include: Control Nutrients Vitaminormineraladjusted Proteinoramino acidadjusted Lipid or fatty acidadjusted Induce Disease Atherogenic(cholesterol, fat, cholate) Diet-induced obesity(40-60% kcal from fat) High carbohydrate(fructose, sucrose) NaCl adjusted Cuprizone demyelination Dose Animals Control gene expression –doxycyclineortamoxifencontaining diets Addition ofcustomer-supplied ingredients/compounds You can select from the wide variety of existing diets, or one designed specifically for your purposes. Either way, we encourage you to contact us for complimentary consultation with our nutritionists. A small number of representative custom research diet formulas are found on our website. If you are unable to find a product code or formula description cited in a publication, or one used previously by your lab or others, contact us. 定制饮食是为了特定的目的而制定的,并得益于您的投入和我们的专业知识。 为你的研究模式确定最合适的饮食是很有挑战性的,但我们是来帮忙的。在我们的数据库中,已有超过20,000种独特的配方,40多年来,Envigo营养学家有着丰富的经验可供借鉴。为了满足科学进步的需求,并更好地为您服务,我们不断地在我们的数据库中添加新的知识。 习惯饮食的常见用途包括: 控制养分 维生素或矿物调整后 蛋白或氨基酸调整后 脂或脂肪酸调整后 诱发病 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饮食型肥胖(脂肪40%-60千卡) 高碳水化合物(果糖,蔗糖) NaCl调节 铜带脱髓鞘 剂量动物 控制基因表达-强力霉素或他莫昔芬含粮 加法客户供应的配料/化合物 你可以从各种各样的现有饮食中选择,或者是专门为你的目的而设计的。无论哪种方式,我们都鼓励您与我们的营养学家进行免费咨询。 Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类

实验动物饲料 Teklad laboratory animal diets
标准天然成分饮食 Standard natural ingredient diets
定制研究饮食 Custom research diets
AIN饮食配方 AIN diet formulas
动脉粥样硬化 Atherogenic
饮食诱导肥胖 Diet induced obesity
脂肪/脂调节 Fat/lipid adjusted
碳水化合物调节 Carbohydrate adjusted
蛋白质调节饮食 Protein adjusted diets
维生素调整饮食 Vitamin adjusted diets
矿物调节饮食 Mineral adjusted diets
盐调节(天然成分) NaCl adjusted (natural ingredient)
氨基酸定义 Amino acid defined
多西环素饮食 Doxycycline diets
他莫昔芬饮食 Tamoxifen diets
客户供应的配料 Customer supplied ingredients
基混合体 Basal mixes
异黄酮调节 Isoflavone adjusted
兔子、猪和其他物种 Rabbit, swine and other species
饮食成分 Diet ingredients
药物饮食 Medicated diets
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