Sigma.S6508-10G 正钒酸钠 Sigma-Aldrich

货品编号: Sigma.S6508-10G 品牌: Sigma 品名: 正钒酸钠 规格: 10G 产品描述:

Biochem/physiol Actions 抑制 ATP 酶、碱性磷酸酶和酪氨酸磷酸酶。在酸性 PH 值下形成的十钒酸盐可抑制肌醇基 1,4,5-三磷酸 (IP3)-诱导 Ca2+ 从

内分泌细胞中的释放以及阻止 IP3 与其受体在脑组织中的结合。 Sodium orthovandate suppresses the activation of p53-mediated apoptosis triggered in response to radiation. It reduces the

detrimental effects of hematopoietic syndrome, hematopoiesis and delayed genotoxic effects of induced by total body irradiation

of mice.24 In combination with menadione, orthovandate prevents the migration of detached human glioma cells in response

to anti-cancer drugs.25 Application Sodium orthovandate was used to prepare the stop solution in dephosphorylation assay of insulin receptor kinase.26 It was

one of the reagents used in the development of Matrix ChIP that utilizes surface-immobilized antibodies.27

Features and Benefits This compound is a featured product for Kinase Phosphatase Biology research. Click here to discover more featured Kinase

Phosphatase Biology products. Learn more about bioactive small molecules for other areas of research at This compound is featured on the Phosphoprotein Phosphatases (Tyrosine) page of the Handbook of Receptor Classification and

Signal Transduction. To browse other handbook pages, click here.

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