博奥森.bs-0921R SIRT1沉默调节蛋白1抗体 50ulBioss

货品编号: 博奥森.bs-0921R 品牌:博奥森 品名: SIRT1沉默调节蛋白1抗体 规格: 50ul

产品描述: background: This gene encodes a member of the sirtuin family of proteins, homologs to the yeast Sir2 protein. Members of the

sirtuin family are characterized by a sirtuin core domain and grouped into four classes. The functions of human sirtuins

have not yet been determined; however, yeast sirtuin proteins are known to regulate epigenetic gene silencing and

suppress recombination of rDNA. Studies suggest that the human sirtuins may function as intracellular regulatory

proteins with mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. The protein encoded by this gene is included in class I of the sirtuin

family. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Function: NAD-dependent protein deacetylase, which regulates processes such as apoptosis and muscle differentiation by

deacetylating key proteins. Deacetylates 'Lys-382' of p53/TP53 and impairs its ability to induce proapoptotic program and

modulate cell senescence. Deacetylates TAF1B and thereby represses rDNA transcription by the RNA polymerase I.

Deacetylates 'Lys-266' of SUV39H1, leading to its activation. Deacetylates 'Lys-26' of HIST1H1E. Involved in HES1- and

HEY2-mediated transcriptional repression. Inhibits skeletal muscle differentiation by deacetylating PCAF and MYOD1. May

serve as a sensor of the cytosolic ratio of NAD(+)/NADH, which is essential in skeletal muscle cell differentiation.

Deacetylates 'Lys-16' of histone H4 (in vitro). Component of the eNoSC (energy-dependent nucleolar silencing) complex, a

complex that mediates silencing of rDNA in response to intracellular energy status and acts by recruiting histone-modifying

enzymes. The eNoSC complex is able to sense the energy status of cell: upon glucose starvation, elevation of NAD(+)/

NADP(+) ratio activates SIRT1, leading to histone H3 deacetylation followed by dimethylation of H3 at 'Lys-9' (H3K9me2) by

SUV39H1 and the formation of silent chromatin in the rDNA locus. Deacetylates H2A. In case of HIV-1 infection, interacts

with and deacetylates the viral Tat protein. Deacetylates APEX1 at 'Lys-6' and 'Lys-7'. Stimulates cellular AP endonuclease

activity by promoting the association of APEX1 to XRCC1.

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