货品编号: 博奥森.bs-18615R 品牌:博奥森 品名:MAFG转录因子MAFG抗体 规格:100ul
产品描述: background: Globin gene expression is regulated through nuclear factor erythroid-2 (NFE2) elements located in enhancer-like locus control
regions positioned many kb upstream of alpha- and beta-gene clusters (summarized by Blank et al., 1997 [PubMed 9166829]).
NFE2 DNA-binding activity consists of a heterodimer containing a ubiquitous small Maf protein (MafF, MIM 604877; MafG; or
MafK, MIM 600197) and the tissue-restricted protein p45 NFE2 (MIM 601490). Both subunits are members of the activator
protein-1-like superfamily of basic leucine zipper (bZIP) proteins (see MIM 165160).[supplied by OMIM, Mar 2010]
Function: Since they lack a putative transactivation domain, the small Mafs behave as transcriptional repressors when they dimerize among
themselves. However, they seem to serve as transcriptional activators by dimerizing with other (usually larger) basic-zipper proteins
and recruiting them to specific DNA-binding sites. Small Maf proteins heterodimerize with Fos and may act as competitive repressors
of the NF-E2 transcription factor. Transcription factor, component of erythroid-specific transcription factor NF-E2. Activates globin gene
expression when associated with NF-E2. May be involved in signal transduction of extracellular H(+).
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