Arbor Assays.K043-H1 FRAP™ (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) Detection Kit (2 Plate) 2 x 96 well plateArbor Assays

货品编号: Arbor Assays.K043-H1 品牌: Arbor Assays 品名: FRAP™ (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) Detection Kit (2 Plate) 规格:2 x 96 well plate

产品描述: The DetectX® Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP™) Detection Kit is designed to quantitatively measure

antioxidant status in a variety of samples. The assay measures the antioxidant ability from all species. A Ferrous

Chloride standard is provided to generate a standard curve for the assay and all samples should be read off of

the standard curve. Samples are diluted in the provided Assay Buffer and added to the wells. The FRAP Color

Solution is made by mixing Reagent A and B with Assay Buffer. The FRAP Color Solution is added to all wells

and the plate incubated at room temperature. Antioxidant power in the samples reacts with the FRAP Color

Solution to generate a blue colored product which is read at 560 nm.

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