货品编号: Bioss.bs-0948R 品牌:Bioss 品名:collagen III mouse 规格:50ul
产品描述: The extensive family of COL gene products (collagens) is composed of several chain types, including fibril-forming interstitial
collagens (types I, II, III and V) and basement membrane collagens (type IV), each type containing multiple isoforms.
Collagens are fibrous, extracellular matrix proteins with high tensile strength and are the major components of connective tissue,
such as tendons and cartilage. All collagens contain a triple helix domain and frequently show lateral self-association in order to
form complex connective tissues. Several collagens also play a role in cell adhesion, important for maintaining normal tissue
architecture and function.
This gene encodes the pro-alpha1 chains of type III collagen, a fibrillar collagen that is found in extensible connective tissues such
as skin, lung, uterus, intestine and the vascular system, frequently in association with type I collagen. Mutations in this gene are
associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome types IV, and with aortic and arterial aneurysms. Two transcripts, resulting from the use
of alternate polyadenylation signals, have been identified for this gene.
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