金山科研平台代理Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb在中国的业务。Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb北京代理,Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb代理,Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb华北代理,Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb华中代理,Ancell Immune Checkpoint mAb、Isotype Controls、TNF Superfamily mAb华南代理。
品牌 | 货号 | 产品 | 规格 | 价格(美元) |
Ancell | 165-530 | anti-CD16 | 100 µg | $900.00 |
Ancell | 198-020 | anti-CD47 | 100 µg | $150.00 |
Ancell | 198-030 | anti-CD47 | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 198-820 | anti-CD47 | 100 µg | $150.00 |
Ancell | 216-530 | anti-CD64 | 100 µg | $900.00 |
Ancell | 217-020 | anti-CD66b (ANC1D5) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 217-030 | anti-CD66b (ANC1D5) | 100 µg | $275.00 |
Ancell | 217-040 | anti-CD66b (ANC1D5) | 120 tests | $275.00 |
Ancell | 217-820 | anti-CD66b (ANC1D5) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 219-020 | anti-CD66b (ANC3C5) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 219-030 | anti-CD66b (ANC3C5) | 100 µg | $275.00 |
Ancell | 219-040 | anti-CD66b (ANC3C5) | 120 tests | $275.00 |
Ancell | 219-820 | anti-CD66b (ANC3C5) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 220-020 | anti-CD66b (ANC4A4) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 220-030 | anti-CD66b (ANC4A4) | 100 µg | $275.00 |
Ancell | 220-040 | anti-CD66b (ANC4A4) | 120 tests | $275.00 |
Ancell | 220-820 | anti-CD66b (ANC4A4) | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 333-020 | anti-FOXP3 | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 333-030 | anti-FOXP3 | 100 µg | $275.00 |
Ancell | 333-040 | anti-FOXP3 | 120 tests | $275.00 |
Ancell | 333-050 | anti-FOXP3 | 120 tests | $350.00 |
Ancell | 335-020 | anti-Hif-1a | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 335-820 | anti-Hif-1a | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 340-020 | anti-TIGIT | 100 µg | $185.00 |
Ancell | 340-030 | anti-TIGIT | 100 µg | $275.00 |
Ancell | 340-820 | anti-TIGIT | 100 µg | $185.00 |
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