Thermo.K0662 Biotin Chromogenic Detection Kit 30 reactionsInvitrogen

货品编号: Thermo.K0662

品牌: Thermo

品名: Biotin Chromogenic Detection Kit

规格: 30 reactions


Thermo Scientific Biotin Chromogenic Detection Kit is a convenient tool for the chromogenic detection of biotinylated nucleic

acid probes. The kit is optimized to reproducibly provide high sensitivity with a low background in applications, such as

Southern, Northern, dot and slot blotting, and screening of viral plaques and bacterial colonies. Biotinylation of DNA/RNA

probes is widely used as a safe and convenient alternative to radioactive labeling. Biotin can be incorporated into nucleic acids

using various enzymatic or non-enzymatic methods, including the Biotin DecaLabel DNA Labeling Kit.


Biotinylated probes are detected with streptavidin coupled to alkaline phosphatase (AP). Streptavidin-AP conjugates bind

specifically and irreversibly to the biotin-labeled probes. The probes are then visualized using a chromogenic substrate for

alkaline phosphatase BCIP/NBT, which produces a blue-purple precipitate. Visualization does not require X-ray film or other

specific equipment (see Figure 1).

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