货品编号: thermo.17-5773-82 品牌:thermo 品名:FOXP3 Monoclonal Antibody (FJK-16s), APC, eBioscience™
产品描述: Product Specific Information Description: The FJK-16s antibody reacts with mouse, rat, dog, porcine, bovine and cat Foxp3 also known as FORKHEAD
BOX P3, SCURFIN, and JM2; cross reactivity of this antibody to other proteins has not been determined. Foxp3, a 49-55
kDa protein, is a member of the forkhead/winged-helix family of transcriptional regulators, and was identified as the gene
defective in 'scurfy' (sf) mice. Constitutive high expression of foxP3 mRNA has been shown in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T
cells (Treg cells), and ectopic expression of foxp3 in CD4+CD25- cells imparts a Treg phenotype in these cells.
Immunoblotting with FJK-16s antibody has mapped the epitope to amino acids 75-125 of the mouse Foxp3 protein. In the
human, this region has been shown to be alternatively spliced at the mRNA level. Both the alternatively-spliced and non-
spliced isoforms are present in the CD4+CD25+ subset of lymphocytes. Preliminary RT-PCR experiments have not revealed
this alternatively-spliced isoform in mouse splenocytes, suggesting different gene regulation in the mouse and human.
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